Meet Us





If you're new here, welcome! 

I grew up on the farm just down the road - spending my days in the garden with my grandma, in the kitchen cooking with my mum + in the field grain farming with my dad. Inspired by the work of 4 generations before me but with a passion to evolve, Boxhorn Farm was created as a place to do just that. 

Our work is rooted in our love for farming and local food. My goal as a farmer is to grow food that deeply feeds + nourishes the people around me. 

I believe that by connecting to the food we eat + the farmers that grow it, we can heal our relationships with the earth + each other.

The vision for our farm has changed + evolved but the feeling remains the same. The feeling of being connected to the prairies we call home, the people we love and the food we grow + then put on our plate. 

Our offerings from the farm will change over time, as we do. If you'd like to follow along with us you do so here


With Gratitude,
